Friday, July 16, 2010

How does a illegal in america find work?

i have recently moved to america and married my sweet heart and i need to find some restaurant work, i have seen and heard that so many illegal mexicans work in restaurants and i also heard that they have a way of making it look legal for themselves?

How does a illegal in america find work?
Congrats on your recent marriage. I know that you are seeking to start a new and better chapter in life, and I commend you for your desire to work hard and contribute to society. I wish there were more guys like you out there willing to do what it takes to accomplish their dreams.

Thing is sir, you have broken the law of the US. I like many others here would LOVE to welcome you with open arms, but cannot support those who would blatantly disrespect the values and ideals we hold so dear.

I would strongly encourage you to return home and begin the process of coming here the LEGAL way. To clarify good sir, this has nothing to do with you or your race. So many people today try to make that an issue. In your case, like all the others, this is a matter or LAW, nothing more. I would love to be the first to shake your hand once you get the legal paperwork. Good luck in obtaining that.
Reply:The best way? Move back to the country that you came from.

It is ILLEGAL for you to be here, and ILLEGAL for you to work here. And shame on the ignoramous that hires you illegally.
Reply:same way as in UK and other places, they find an employer looking for cheap labour who wont ask too many questions and pay cash in hand
Reply:Leave our country loser. Not my fault my people are smarter then yours.
Reply:if you can start a small business, there is always something to do around your area.
Reply:how about go through the process of becoming legal. This country is having enough problems with illegals, not saying you will be a problem, but it will be easier for you, and the country.
Reply:The want ads or the corner where illegals gather for work.

You would have to buy fake documentation - which would mean you just committed another crime!
Reply:Come here legally! This is a huge problem in America, be part of the solution and get legallized. You're welcome here-but do it the right way please... so generations after me can can proud of their country, both my genrations and yours.
Reply:In Miami, they sit outside of the Home Depot and get picked up by people that buy supplies and need help around the house or by someone needs some labor done for his or her business. If they do good, they may get offered a full time job. If not, they get paid and dropped off at the homedepot after their job is done. Every once in a while, immigration stops by and picks some of them up though. As far as the restraunt work goes, they must know somebody with connections. It's all about who you know. And you can buy a fake i.d. and social security card now-a-days for less than you would pay for a DVD player.
Reply:To make an illegal immigrant appear legal to an employer, they would have to have a social security number. In order for an illegal immigrant to get a social security number they would have to commit identity theft. That just adds another crime. If you married your sweet heart, is she a US citizen? If the answer to that is yes then you are legal. If not go through the INS and apply for a green card. If you like it here enough you could even apply to be a naturalized citizen.
Reply:call Republican offices
Reply:well if you want to work get legalized, unless you want to live on a 'free ride' and not pay taxes and stuff like the rest of us
Reply:Why are you here illegally? Did you come here legally and let your visa lapse? Not sure of your circumstances, but I'm assuming you're not a Mexican. Intead of living in fear and worrying about if (or more likely when) you'll get deported, it's best to become a legal resident. Does your country of legal residence have an embassy/consulate office near you? Try to speak to them. I've known a handful of people with student visas that lapsed who were deported to New Zealand and Great Britain, while I've known a couple who were able to plead their case successfully and stay. Getting the fake paperwork lined up in order to work in this country is only going to give INS a stronger case for deporting you. Plus, if you were here legally on a visa and you allowed it to lapse, then your name is already on a list. It's post 911 . . . being here illegally is not a good thing . . .
Reply:If you are white and British, no one in America is ever likely to question what the hell you are doing there or whether you have a visa or permit to work or whatever.

How do I know this?

Because about a couple of years ago, I met a guy for a game of darts in a pub here in London. I assumed by his accent that he may be an American.

As the evening wore on and our game of darts became something of a tournament between lots of other guys as well. I learned that he had left UK in the 1970s to go on a 'gap year' tour of the States.

He just did not bother coming back to UK. Not only did he get a job quiet easily, he also got married, had kids, the lots. All of this while still a UK citizen with no documents to prove his right to live and work in USA.

Maybe things have changed.

I still believe that if a person is white and speaks English like a native, they will go unchallenged.

Maybe there are a couple of Anglo Saxon students out there who will put my theory to the test.

White illegals in America and worse, they're darn Brits.
Reply:How about go back across the border and start the process legally.
Reply:Try Home Depot or just hang out under any highway overpass. Some greedy, unscrupulous employer will pick you up.

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